An award-winning collaborative, global project.

This wiki is no longer being updated. But it is still available for anyone who wants to make style decisions based on evidence and data.


Readability Guidelines

Last updated: 7 January, 2020

"Imagine a collaboratively developed, universal content style guide, based on usability evidence." Sarah Winters, project founder.

Wiki sections

Project background

Sarah Winters of Content Design London asked in 2018 if working together we can create evidence-based style readability guidance. Read the first blog post about the project. Watch the London Accessibility MeetUp talk.

This wiki was collaboratively researched, and authored by Lizzie Bruce.

Content collaborators in multiple sectors:

Get involved

How to join in:

To share links to usability studies, use the comment section of the relevant wiki topic page.

Wiki comments and edits

This is a totally open project. You're welcome to comment on, and suggest edits for wiki pages. Please:

  • be respectful,

  • support positive open learning with your comments,

  • include usability evidence with your comments,

  • read current wiki pages carefully and review existing evidence before making edit suggestions.

Any other comments or queries, please get in touch on twitter @ContentDesignLN.